
Staff Development and Parent Workshops

A Creative Approach to Music and Movement in Early Childhood Classroom

Participants explore creative movement activities, finger plays, and rhythmic songs/ chants to enhance the language arts curriculum.

Once Upon a Movement Time; Engaging Students Through Active Storytelling

Teachers learn different participatory storytelling strategies using drama, movement, and song to bring the picture book and the oral tale to life.

Put Down the Book; Use Drama as the Hook

Educators explore how creative drama strategies can actively involve both teacher and student in a shared literature experience.

Finding the 3 R’s of Storytelling; Rhyme, Rhythm, and Repetition

The three elements of active storytelling are explored using favorite stories from children's literature. We will discuss what makes an oral tale and how the 3 R's influence story selection.

Behavior Management in the Early Childhood Classroom: Fun Strategies Which Structure and Stimulate

Creative behavior management strategies using drama and song are shared through an interactive approach; Important guidelines for structuring arts based lessons with young children are also explored.

Fostering Imaginative Oral Language Through Drama and Movement

What does imaginative oral and kinesthetic language mean? Why are the kinesthetic and imaginative intelligences so important for young children? Along with delving into these questions, participants will explore hands-on drama and movements activities to help foster this type of language expression in ourselves!

Family Fables and Folk Tales; Strategies for Story Building with Children

Parents and teachers explore spring boards for storytelling using objects, memory, and drama games. 

Creative Storytelling for the Whole Family

This workshop is an opportunity for parents and their children to play!  (See previous description.)  Many games, much movement, and lots of laughs!

Stories That Move and Sing; An Integrated Arts Approach

We explore stories that involve repetitive gesture, chant, and song.  We find the music and dances in the stories we love, and explore how we can make our favorite stories more dramatic and alive

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