
Early Childhood and Elementary School Residencies

All residencies can be tailored to classroom themes, curriculum, and teacher needs. New residencies, in partnership with teachers, are always being created.

Lesson Name Description Age Recommendation
Terrific Trickster Tales Stories of mischievous heroes from around the world.  Brer Rabbit, Raven, Anansi, and Rumpelstilskin are some of the characters we will meet and bring to life.  What makes Anansi misbehave?  How is Raven able to trick others and save his land?   The lessons are made complete with plenty of writing, drawing, and dancing. K-4th grades
The Wonders of Wishing Wish-making is a prominent theme in much of world literature.  Magic agents such as fish, frogs, and wise women have the power to grant our heart’s desires, but what are the outcomes?  These narratives are explored through movement participation and repetitive chant.  Pre-K-3rd grades
Movement Time with the Nursery Rhyme Nursery rhymes are an important component of the elementary school curriculum.  Yet, many children are unfamiliar with these classic mini-tales.  In this residency, we will bring favorite nursery tales to life with a focus on rhyme prediction, solo telling/recitation, dramatic gesture, and story dramatization.  In our writing work, we will build creative story endings.  What happened when Little Miss Muffet came back to confront the spiders?  How did Jack celebrate after his candle stick jump? The story possibilities are endless.  K-3rd grades
Animal Action Tales Together we journey to story settings such as West Africa, India, and the Eastern United States.  Anasi the Spider, Zomo the Rabbit, and the Wide Mouth Frog are characters whom we will physically inhabit, draw, and explore through puppet play. Pre-K-3rd grades
Fables, Folks, and Fairies This residency focuses on the narrative structure of the fable and simple folk tale.  Our goal is to not only learn the classics but to recite and write our own contemporary tales.  The purpose of fables and the meanings and motifs inherent in folk tale literature will be discussed. Older children (2nd-5th grades.)

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